Body Mass Index Formula

  -Body Mass Index Formula… what the heck is that? 
My best friend Amy seemed to think it would be a good idea to find out what  our  bmi's were.

She didn't realize that I didn't even know what a bmi formula was, let alone what it meant. (skip ahead to BMI Chart.) -Allow me to explain....

Jen never heard of the body mass index formula.

 Amy's sort of a health nut

-She's always coming up with some little tidbit about what we should do to achieve our healthiest weight, and what a women's  ideal weight  really should be.

Like I said, Amy is my best friend, and when it comes to a person's ideal weight, the fact that she could probably be a model tends to make me listen to her all the more.

That, and the fact of the matter is, my family's never been all that healthy to begin with.

-Alzheimer's, Breast cancer, Diabetes, they've  all  been in my family. Maintaining that ideal weight is the  least  of our problems.

-Not so, according to Amy ... it's probably the  cause  of at least some, if not all, of my family's health problems. (see  obesity dangers )

That's where the Body Mass Index Formula Chart comes in.

The Body Mass Index Definition: -It's the relationship between your height and weight that's associated with body fat and your health risk.

The index value is then used to assess overweight and underweight. (See Body mass index chart and formula below)

-Though it does not measure the actual percentage of your body fat, the body mass index chart, (or Bmi formula, Bmi chart), can be an extremely useful tool, and a helpful addition to any weight loss system. 

BMI estimates your body fat, based on your height and weight.

-The Body Mass Index Formula does not distinguish between body fat and muscle or bone mass, so this must be taken into consideration when calculating bmi values for the elderly, or for an athlete.

-An athletes muscle mass will make their bmi formula reading much higher, because muscle is heavier than fat. A professional football players number on a Bmi Chart would be way up there.

-But most of us who do have a higher reading with the Bmi formula (unfortunately), also know that it's not the result of excess muscle mass, and reducing it (by losing weight) is a real good idea.

-Conversely, the lost muscle and bone mass of many elderly people can put their Bmi Formula reading in a lower range. They could in fact actually be overweight, but for an active healthy adult over the age of 65, the slight increase in body fat of a Bmi Chart reading of 25-27, may actually help to stave off osteoporosis.

-Weight gain and body mass have long been known to be risk factors for breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes and most other diseases as well.

-The body mass index formula chart can also help you estimate your ideal weight as well.

-We all need all the help we can get, and with the body mass index formula and the bmi chart, we have a starting point and something to strive for.

  The Body Mass Index Formula (Bmi formula) 

The body mass index formula is used to find a person's healthy weight. Your height and weight are calculated  together,  to estimate your body fat.

-To calculate  your  BMI:

1.  - Multiply your weight in pounds, by 703.

2.  - Divide that number, by your height in inches.

3.  - Divide the result, by your height in inches again.

-Example:  Using the Bmi formula let's determine the body mass index for "Jennifer," a woman 5 foot-4 "( 64  inches) tall, who weighs  150  pounds:

1.  - (Jen's weight)  150  x 703 = 105,450

2.  - 105,450 divided by (Jen's height)  64  inches = 1647.65

3.  - 1647.65 divided by  64  again =  25.74  (Jen's body mass index formula number.)

  Your Body Mass Index reading should be  under  25

-A bmi formula number under  17.5  usually indicates  Anorexia  or a related eating disorder.

-For an average size healthy person, using the body mass index formula you should obtain a reading of between  18.5 and 24.9 . Around the  24  bmi mark would be a healthy weight, but anything below the  25  mark is good.

-A person with a bmi formula number over  25  but under  30 , is overweight.

-A bmi formula reading of more than  30  indicates  obesity.

-Over  40  bmi indicates morbid obesity.

See  Frankie's story  about the risks of  obesity.

-Jen  is actually only 6 pounds above her 25 Bmi Formula limit, and would be at her ideal weight between around 109 - 144 lbs, depending on her size and build.

-If Jen  were a small framed gal, 109 - 119 pounds would be about right, if she had a medium frame, 119 - 135 pounds, and if she were a larger woman, a range of 135 - 144 pounds would be fine. (I hope this is her, with a bmi formula reading of 25.6, she won't need to lose very much)

Unfortunately, most women  have their own  ingrained  beliefs about what a woman's ideal weight should be. More often than not, that weight is far below what their actual "healthy weight" should be, and not even a realistic goal.

-Men,  on the other hand, tend to think their ideal weight as heavier than medically recommended. (Good excuse for eating more, I guess)

-Another indicator  of body fat is  waist size.  (regardless of bmi formula result) A waist size over 40 "for a man and 35" for a woman indicates excessive body fat.

-High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol  can also be indicators of a high level of body fat. (and a correspondingly high bmi formula reading)

How do you know what your ideal weight should be?

 For most people, if you consider your ideal weight to be what you weigh at 24, it's a good bet  that  weight would be your best weight for the rest of your life. If you can stay within 10 lbs. of  that  weight, you'd be doing great.

Wouldn't  that  be nice?

-Another simple yet reliable method of figuring out your ideal weight is this easy formula:

-For Men:  Add  108  pounds for the first 5 feet of your height, and then add  pounds for each additional inch. (Deduct 6 lbs. For each inch  under  5 feet) -But you tend to run  heavier  than women, due to more muscle and bone mass.

-For a six-foot man:  108 lbs. (first 5 feet) +  72 lbs. (12 "over 5 ', 12 times 6 pounds = 72) =  180  pounds, give or take depending on your build.

-For Women:  Add  106  pounds for the first 5 feet of your height, then add  6 pounds for each added inch. (Deduct 6lbs. For each inch  below  5 ft)

-Not really the bmi formula type? Try the body mass index chart below:

Body Mass Index Chart

- To Find Your Bmi : Find your height in the left hand column, follow across to your current weight, then go down to your Bmi # on the bottom.

Height Weight (lbs.)
4' 10" 91 96 100 105 110 115 119 124 129 134 138 143
4' 11" 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 128 133 138 143 148
5' 0" 97 102 107 112 118 123 128 133 138 143 148 153
5' 1" 100 106 111 116 122 127 132 137 143 148 153 158
5' 2" 104 109 115 120 126 131 136 142 147 153 158 164
5' 3" 107 113 118 124 130 135 141 146 152 158 163 169
5' 4" 110 116 122 128 134 140 145 151 157 163 169 174
5' 5" 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 168 174 180
5' 6" 118 124 130 136 142 148 155 161 167 173 179 186
5' 7" 121 127 134 140 146 153 159 166 172 178 185 191
5' 8" 125 131 138 144 151 158 164 171 177 184 190 197
5' 9" 128 135 142 149 155 162 169 176 182 189 196 203
5' 10" 132 139 146 153 160 167 174 181 188 195 202 207
5' 11" 136 143 150 157 165 172 179 186 193 200 208 215
6' 0" 140 147 154 162 169 177 184 191 199 206 213 221
6' 1" 144 151 159 166 174 182 189 197 204 212 219 227
6' 2" 148 155 163 171 179 186 194 202 210 218 225 233
6' 3" 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 232 240
6' 4" 156 164 172 180 189 197 205 213 221 230 238 246
BMI# 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

-Top of page  Balanced Diet Chart  -  My Healthy Eating Plans  -

- To Estimate Your Ideal Weight: 

Start at the bottom of the Bmi Chart above, at a Bmi of  25 , go up until you find  your height row. A new weight  below  this number would be a healthy weight. (Bmi # 24 would be great!)

-You can go left on your row as your body size  decreases.  Sorry, only elderly folks and athletes can go right at their height row.

-Remember, but  do  tend two carry a higher body weight and Bmi # because of higher muscle mass, and bone mass. (and both, weigh more)

To Extended Bmi chart  (for adult obesity) 

-After learning your ideal weight from the bmi chart above, your next move should be to do something about it!

How about this: Did you know that for every pound of muscle you add to your body, you use up to 50 more calories a day while at rest?

-Replace the fat on your arms, under your chin, and on that belly with lean muscle, and you can burn a lot of calories much easier.

Figure it out: Add just 2 pounds of muscle and you’ll burn an extra 700 calories a week just sitting around and you'll look and feel much better.

-That’s nearly 12 pounds of fat per year lost by adding some muscle!

Check out our 15 minute Chart for burning calories the easy way.

-We certainly hope that some of the methods described here helped you to discover your ideal and healthiest weight.

Perhaps they even inspired you to try to attain it.

... Your health is certainly worth the effort!

Take a look at this  BMI calculator for children and teens from the CDC.

-To lengthen your life, shorten your meals. 
~ Proverb

Top of Page 

-More Healthy Links....

Fat Grams Vs Calories - Low Fat Ideas - Chart for Calories Burned - Reducing Belly Fat

10 Healthiest Foods - Chart for a Balanced Diet - Flat Abs - Running to Lose

Breast Cancer and a Healthy Weight - Importance of a Balanced Diet

Health Benefits of Water - Positive Self Talk

Balanced Diet Chart for Kids - Calorie Content of Foods

Calculating Your Basal Metabolism Rate

From BMI Formula -back to Home Page

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- Diet and  Your Health:

Why Eat Healthy?

Shopping for Healthy Foods

Calories Burned in 15

 Chart for a Balanced Diet

Low-Fat Diet Ideas

Positive Self Talk

Fat Grams Vs Calories

Calorie Burning Exercise

Calorie Calculators

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Why Drink Water?

Kids Balanced Diet Chart

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