Caloric Content and Fats in Food

 We all know by now, the caloric content of the foods we eat every day is  very important to know if we want to avoid gaining excess body weight.

The  fats  in food can be  even more  important, especially if weight loss is the ultimate goal.

 -As a fat loss guide, it's essential to have this information.

Keeping track  of calories and fat, along with the cholesterol in food and the amount of sodium in foods, goes a long way in keeping us slim as well as healthy .

 To Those in the Know,  a Calorie is Defined As : 

The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water, 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. (1 degree Celsius)

Exercise generates heat, the body heats up and thereby burns calories, and the more you exercise the more calories burned …simple right?

 -Here's the Problem:

-If the caloric content of the meal you just ate, was for example;1200 calories and 72 grams of fat, according to the chart for calories burned (in 15 min) you'd have to run for 2½ hours to burn off that many calories! (130 lb. person, 12-minute mile speed) For most of us, that's a real deal breaker.

-Of course your daily activity level factors in here as well.

 Using the above example, you can  really  see just how critical the caloric content of the foods you eat can truly  be. If you can eat less, or even better if you can eat foods that are lower in bad fats, sodium, sugar and higher in nutrition .... you wouldn't need to exercise around the clock!

   You could then exercise enough to stay fit and happy.

 The Calorie Calculator  below gives a clear picture of the caloric content of many popular foods, including fat grams, protein and the sodium in foods.

-Enter the amount of food you eat during your last meal and click submit. Now add them all up, probably a little more than you thought, huh?

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 As good as exercise is for your health and as an aid to any fat loss program, it's just not realistic for most of us to think that we'll get enough.

-The additional exercise needed to burn off a high intake of calories and fat can be a lot more than you might think.

 For optimum health you really do have to watch what goes into the body.

  Healthy Eating Tips

 We suggest you make a list of as many of the foods you  like  as possible, pick those that are  high  in protein as well as vitamins and especially high in fiber. -Also keep them as  low  as possible in total caloric content, cholesterol, sodium and fat grams. (especially trans fats, very bad for the cholesterol)

-Use the nutrition calculator above, and take a look at our healthy food list and chart for a balanced diet for additional help with your personal list.

 Using a list can really help you to keep these foods in your meal plans.

-Try to eat foods from your list whenever possible, and add new low-fat, low calorie foods when you can. (pick a new one every week from above)

Knowing the caloric content of the foods we eat, even if you don't plan on keeping track all the time, can still be a huge help.

-Just realizing that the bacon double cheeseburger you just ate had 560 calories, 33 grams of fat and little if any food fiber, may just keep you from having another one, or at least skipping the fries.

Many people go about their day eating pretty much whatever they want, with little regard to any of these things, never mind the carbohydrates in food, or food fiber. (a quick look at obesity rates tells us that)

-The amount of fiber in food can be extremely beneficial to our digestion, and helps you feel full and eat less of the fatty stuff that can be so unhealthy, not to mention the number it does -expanding the waistline.

  Great for Weight loss too

 That's why watching the  caloric  content, the  fats  in food, food  fiber , as well as the  cholesterol  and  sodium  in food can be so helpful for weight loss, and even more importantly -very beneficial to our  good health .

Help means watching the calories

-But it  can  be a chore reading labels and watching the calories of everything you eat, -but  only at first , until it becomes routine.

Some people find that it's easier tracking  just  the  fat grams .

 Whatever you're watching for most, calories, fat or both -if you can get in the habit of checking the labels as much as possible, you'll find you don't have a way to eat less ... you just eat the differently.

-By watching the caloric content, the fats and especially the fiber, you can make better choices: without sacrificing taste or the amount you eat.

Of course, less is best, but if you can trade in the bacon cheeseburger for a salad or a veggie burger, your butt  and your heart  ... will thank you.


   The Best Food Choice :

 -To see just how much better, for example an orange is as compared to that candy bar you want, enter both below and click submit. (Click x to clear)

   It's All In The Label

 How many servings per container, one bit of information that may often shock you. What you may have thought of as one serving is often a whole lot more, getting into the habit of checking, it's important info!

 Labels also tell us the caloric content, sodium in foods, etc, but they also give you a lot of other important information!

They also tell you what  kind of calories :

-How many calories are from carbohydrates, protein, and the fats in food.

- 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories . If the label says 5 grams of carbs per serving, then one serving contains 20 calories from carbohydrates. 
(5 grams / serving x 4 calories per gram = 20 carb calories)

- 1 gram of protein is also equal to 4 calories . (same example applies)

- 1 gram or fat = 9 calories .
So if the label states a certain food has 10 grams of fat per serving, than 1 serving will have 90 fat calories out of the  total calories
(10 grams of fat / serving x 9 calories per fat gram = 90 fat cal per serving)

What about the  percentage  of  calories from fat?


  Recipe Calculator :

-To calculate nutritional values ​​from your own homemade recipes, simply add the ingredients below and click submit: (Click x to clear)

    One last healthy eating tip ...

 And, probably the most important bit of information on that label, which is quite often ignored, is the  Percent daily value  (% DV).

-Generally these are based on a 2000-calorie diet, and tell you the percentage of your  total daily allowance  of each.

-Using the example from above, you will find: That same bacon double cheese burger would account for 75% of your Daily value of saturated fat!

You can see just how useful this could be as a fat loss guide, and just how beneficial this may be to many of us.

-If you can keep the total % equal to 100% or less, you'll be on your way to a happier, healthier and lighter you!

  Just a thought from Andy Rooney...

"The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books,                       how not to eat what you've just learned how to cook" 

-Back to  calorie calculator      -If you must:  healthier fast food choices

Top - Caloric Content of Foods

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-Additional Information on Food, Diet and Your Health...

Chart for Calories Burned - 10 Healthiest foods - Chart for Balanced Diet - Healthy Eating

Fat Grams Vs Calories - 14 Low Fat Ideas - Tips for Flat Abs - Balanced Diet Chart for Kids

Positive Self Talk - Health Benefits of Water - Calculate Your BMR

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- Diet and  Your Health:

Why Eat Healthy?

Shopping for Healthy Foods

Calories Burned in 15

 Chart for a Balanced Diet

Low-Fat Diet Ideas

Positive Self Talk

Fat Grams Vs Calories

Calorie Burning Exercise

Calorie Calculators

Calculate Your  Personal Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Why Drink Water?

Kids Balanced Diet Chart

Vegetarian Weight Loss

Smoothies or Juicing?

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