Types of Psychotherapy

 The types of psychotherapy are usually the first topic of concern, once a person receives a depression diagnosis, or the confirmation of any eating disorder or other health condition or addiction.

-They realize they have a problem coping with depression, regardless of what the cause may be, and that they  do have options.

   This is a very important step, and the first step towards recovery .

 Depression  is caused by an alteration in brain chemistry. The question is what caused the alteration?

-Theoretically, this change could happen genetically, from a genetic predisposition, or triggered by stress.

 Stress and health have long been interrelated and stress is well known to trigger depression, as well as a myriad of other physical and emotional health problems. 


 The depression in turn, may precede and even be a major contributing factor to one of many eating disorders. (see depression or eating disorder?)

-These eating disorders are quite often the result of low self-esteem, and a way of coping with the depression. Some people turn to drugs or alcohol, others to eating, or in the case of an anorexic, a certain lack of eating.

 Paradoxically, an eating disorder may also be one of the depression causes.

-At this time, researchers have not been able to identify a specific gene in people that cause them to become depressed. Some scientists believe that there are genetic predispositions to depression, but currently it seems more likely to be "learned" more in some families than in others.

 It can be very hard not to be affected by someone suffering from depression, if you live your entire life with that person.

 There is of course the drug option, where the doctor writes a prescription for depression medications and sends you on your way. In this day and age of fast work, fast food and fast cures, this may fit many people's idea of ​​treatment for their lifestyle. 

-But this is definitely not the best, but it is the safest way of coping with depression, or any other mental health problem.

 This being the case, depression medications alone cannot cure depression, but they may help a person coping with depression, and help them face any daily stresses a little easier, until the underlying problems can be discovered and addressed.

-Research has shown us that people who use one of the following types of psychotherapy, or psychotherapy along with depression medications, have seen much better results than those using depression medications alone.


   The Talking Cure

 Oftentimes people consider psychotherapy as the  "talking cure"  (Sigmund Freud) when in fact it is just a means to an end to determine what is truly bothering a person, and to find better ways of coping with the depression or other problem.

-In these different types of psychotherapy, your words and feelings play a very significant and central role. The job of the therapist is to support and professionally guide you through the process.

 The therapist will help you to examine your thoughts, your feelings and your actions, and then determine how well they have worked for you in the past and how to change those that may have been non-productive.

-It is important to work with a therapist who you like, and can trust enough to be open and honest with. You may need to see several before deciding on one, but getting the right therapist can make all the difference in the world in treating a depression or eating disorder.

 Keeping any part of your thoughts and feelings to yourself can deepen any negative thoughts, and hinder the recovery process. There is nothing scary or magical about the process, and certainly nothing to be ashamed of.

   Far too many people suffer needlessly, without even seeking therapy.


   Types of Psychotherapy

  There are many different types of psychotherapy; three of the most popular are discussed here. Most therapists are versed in varying degrees, and their knowledge in each can help them pick from tools in the different approaches that work best for an individual's situation.      

(Many additional forms of psychotherapy are much more specific in nature, for example: sex therapy, family therapy, hypnotherapy, etc.)

-The following explanations are a bit simplistic in order to provide a better understanding of the basic premise behind each approach.

  Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

 In CBT, the basic idea is that  thoughtsfeelings  and  behaviors  are all  interconnected , so that if you make a change in one of these areas, it will affect the others.

-For instance, if you make a change in the way you  feel  about something, then the way you  act  and your  thoughts  about it will also change.

 If your problems are making you feel worthless, then you and the therapist will explore the specific beliefs you have about yourself and the world around you, that make you feel worthless, and strive to correct them.

-Then you choose alternative behavior until the system is stuck in breaks down and your symptoms begin to fade.

 This is one of the types of psychotherapy used in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder,  clinical  depression,  bulimia ,  and its use in prisons has become common in many countries due to its effectiveness.


  Interpersonal Therapy

 Therapists who use this type of therapy  have determined that the most difficult aspect of coping with your particular problem is how it affects your personal relationships with others.

-This type of therapeutic approach is very effective with people who have had unresolved grief over the loss of a loved one or significant conflicts within current relationships.

 The therapist and the patient focus on the relationship in question to identify the personal needs that are going unmet and finding ways to meet them, and sometimes by ending negative relationships and building new social and communication skills.


  Psychodynamic Therapy

 Using Brief  Psychodynamic Therapy , the depression therapist works towards uncovering an  event in your past  that may trigger core conflicts.

-These events may no longer play and play an active role in your  present  conscious memory or thoughts.

 For example, an individual may feel overwhelmed by a certain situation that an adult is not in proportion to the actual event, but may have been an appropriate response to a similar situation when they were much younger.

-The aim here is to help the person make  that connection  between the past and the present behavior, and to work through the feelings associated with those past events.

   Self-awareness and self-understanding are the key components here.

 This type of depression therapy is most often used in combination with other types of psychotherapy. Often the addition of  group or family  counseling or therapy can be of substantial benefit when used in conjunction with this, or  any  of these types of psychotherapy.


  In Conclusion:

 It is very important that you feel the depression therapy you are receiving is relevant and helpful to your particular situation, and that you  have a voice  in the approach that you  are  using.

-However, there are various types of psychotherapy that lend themselves well to the treatment of a multitude of problems, as well as coping with depression symptoms.

 Together with your therapist, you should have no trouble deciding on an approach that will work best for you.

-One of these types of psychotherapy should provide many of the answers to a person's questions and concerns about their particular problem, or help them coping with depression.

If you still have questions, or have decided on depression therapy please visit: NAMI for additional help.


From  Types Of Psychotherapy  Back To  Depression Warning Signs

-Additional Information on Depression and Your Health...

Clinical Depression Signs - Running For Depression - Dysthymia Disorder

Depression Self Help - Bulimia - Anorexia - Depression or Eating Disorder?

What is Manic Depression? - Manic Depression Diagnosis

Manic Depression Symptoms

Back to Home Page

Depression Related:

    Depression Self Help

    Mania Symptoms

    Manic "Triggers"

    Bipolar Treatment

    Manic Depression Drugs

    Types of Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar Imitators

    11 Signs of Depression 

   Depression Diagnosis video

    Clinical Depression Signs


    Psychotherapy Types

    Running and Depression

    Signs of Depression? Or

    is it an eating disorder? 


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